- What is Doublin Crypto all about?
- We are a crowdfunding crypto advertising service where members can promote their business and ventures to others within our community. We display banners, text ads on our website which members can click on and drive traffic to your website.
- How many packages do you have and how much is each package?
- We have 7 packages you can purchase. $5, $10, $20, $40, $80, $160, and $320. Each package has its own amount of ad credit impressions in both banner and text ad credits. Please view the home page for the exact amount we are giving out per package.
- Do I have to purchase a package to make money in this program?
- No, you can open an account and join for free. When you invite members to our program, you will earn 10% of the package they purchase. If they purchase a $320 package, you will receive $32 in your e-wallet cash balance. You can also earn by upgrading your account to double your crypto. If you get a $10 package, you will be in a pool and wait till you are up on que. First come, first serve basis. Once you are up on que, you will cycle out and earned $20 plus you get a free re-entry back to the same package and in line again.
- How many positions can I purcchase?
- Currently, the system will only allow you to purchase 10 positions per pack per week. We may lift that later on once we are fully launched.
- Are there any fees withdrawing from my account?
- There is a 5% withdraw fee to cover all cost when sending payments to you and also covers the cost for our servers.
- What crypto do you accept?
- Currently we accept LTC, Tron and USDT-TRC20. Please note, we will add BTC back when the market is calm. Our merchant overcharges on BTC fees when depositing.
- What payment method do we receive as payment?
- We only payout in USDT-TRC20 and Tron. We pay every day in the evening EST
- Is my personal information protected with your company?
- Any personal information that you provide to any of our businesses are privacy protected. Your information will never be shared or sold to anyone!